participating. Specifically, the participants must be made aware of the risks and hazards related to completing
this course while being allergic towards the materials used in the module. Furthermore, this also applies for
participants suffering from asthma and hyperhidrosis manuum (excessive hand sweating).
Training providers shall have a procedure that requires participants to sign a statement stating that they are
medically fit to participate in the training course and that they do not suffer from any medical illness that will
prevent them from fully participating in the training course or subject them to hazard or risk, and are or
under the influence of any impeding substances like narcotics or alcohol. The Annex 2: Medical SelfAssessment Form shall be used if no other equivalent procedure is in place.
Participants’ signatures testifying to their medical fitness shall be collected prior to the start of the GWO
blade repair module.
Participants must have created a personal participant profile in WINDA and provide their own WINDA ID prior
to completing the GWO blade repair training.